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I believe it can be brand new, but you can't have a loan on it.

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Q: How old does a car have to be before collision-comprehensive insurance is no longer necessary?
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How long must one stay uninsured before it will be cheaper to buy insurance?

To my knowledge, the longer one stays uninsured, the more expensive insurance coverage will be when purchased.

What is no longer necessary for the right to vote?

It is no longer necessary to be a man in order to have the right to vote. It is also not necessary to be a white person in order to vote in the United States.

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Life insurance is a more general concept that may refer to either whole life insurance or term life insurance. Whole life insurance gathers value the longer you have it, whereas Term life insurance does not obtain any value that you may use before you die. Term life insurance only pays out when you die.

When should you cancel your comprehensive insurance?

When you feel it is no longer necessary such as not having the car anymore, the cars value being to low to insure, or you don't think it is or risk of being damaged by perils out of your control.

When can you drop auto insurance on a repossed auto?

When your vehicle is in the process of being repossessed, the bank is starting the process of taking back ownership. If you have not maintained continuous insurance coverage on your vehicle, chances are the bank will force place insurance which will add to your loan balance. If you are anticipating repossession, keep insurance on the vehicle until the vehicle is claimed. If you intend to discuss payment arrangements to get your vehicle back, you must keep insurance prove you are financially responsible. If you do not intend to get the vehicle back you can cancel your auto insurance after the vehicle is no longer yours. When the bank takes possession, you no longer have a financial interest in the car. Notify the DMV before cancelling the insurance that you are no longer the registered owner of the car to prevent fines for no insurance with the state.

How can you be put on someones car title so you can get the insurance in your name because he no longer drives and insurance will be cheaper also he is still making payments on the car?

This is not completely necessary. There are plenty of insurance companies out there that will write this policy in your name if you are the primary operator of the vehicle, regardless of the ownership. Just be sure to list the correct finance company so there are no problems with that.

How do you say not necessary any longer in spanish?

Ya no es necesario. necesario=necessary

If you own your car or house and are no longer making payments should you still have insurance on them?

If you own your car or house and are no longer making payments, should you still have insurance on them? Explain why or why not.

Can you replace SR22 insurance with regular insurance?

It already is Regular Auto Insurance. You just tell your insurance company that you no longer need the sr22 endorsement and they will stop filing it for you.

What happens if life insurance policy is canceled?

You no longer have insurance cover - if you happen to die then there is no payment made.

Why you are selecting insurance company?

When you have option to select Insurance Co., you will simply go through their past records, their service parameter, their depth of network etc, before coming to a conclusion. This assessment is essential because since insurance contract is generally for a longer period, your wrong decision will lead you to continued harasssment and hassle to switch over to another insurance co.

When do you cancel your homeowners insurance?

Generally one would cancel a home insurance policy whenever one decides they no longer need it, such as sold the home or the home no longer exists, etc.