If you take drivers' ed, you have to be 16 and 6 months. If you do not take drivers' ed, you have to be 16 and 9 months.
If you take drivers' ed, you have to be 16 and 6 months. If you do not take drivers' ed, you have to be 16 and 9 months.
yes you have to take a drivers ed class to get a permit and then succeed in the class and then you get the permit you don't have to if you don't take drivers ed when you're 18yrs old you can get you're license
do you need to take the drivers test if you have had drivers ed?
in California you need to be fifteen and a half
Ther is no law that says you have to take drivers ed. Or even get a drivers license for that matter.
You can take the divers test in Illinois if you are 18 without doing drivers ed. If you under the age 18 you will have to do drivers ed first.
depends on where u live in SD u can take drivers ed at 14
To take drivers ed in California you need to be 15 and 1/2. <a href="https://driversed.com/courses/drivers-ed/California-drivers-education.aspx">Ca Drivers Ed</a>
you have to do drivers ed before you take the permit test at dmv. i started the course at 15 but you have to be 15 1/2 to take the permit test.
You do not have to take drivers ed in Oregon. You have to drive more in order to get your drivers license, and you pay more for insurance with out it. But you dont need to take.
yeah you do It depends how old you are. In California, if you are between the ages of 15 1/2 and 17 you need to take drivers ed in order to get your permit. If you are 17 1/2 or older, you don't need to take it to get your permit.