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There is a warning clip on the outside brake pad on either side. It is a small metal piece that will start to squeek when stopping at low speed. generic pads wont last long after that point so i recomend replacing them soon. If the pads do not squeek or have the warning clip there should be at least 1/8 of an inch on all pads. Depends a lot on how you brake. If you accelerate to every red light and put on the brakes hard, you might last a year and a half. If you take it easy, two and a half, three years.

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Q: How often should break pads be changed?
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As I haven't been driving my automobile long when should I change my brake pads?

Break pads are obviously something needed to be taken care of. Since break pads are applied so many times over thousands of miles, it is important to keep them up to date. One noticeable way to see you need your break pads changed is when you begin hearing your breaks squeak.

What is the average mileage for front break pads on a car?

I have Toyota Corolla Xli, 2009 and i needed to get the front brake pads changed after 50,000 Km

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Generally, brake pads should be changed between 20,000 and 180,000 miles. This depends on the brand of the brake pads, and the persons driving habits.

Do you have to change the rotors and pads at the same time if you have an AWD?

The brake rotors only need to be changed if they are worn beyond allowable specifications and should be changed in pairs. They do not need to be changed with the pads unless they are damaged as above or warped.

How often should flute pads be replaced?

depending on how worn the pads are and depending how old, they may not even need replaced. Just keep an eye on them, check them every so often and keep the horn in good condition. My flute is 9 years old, and i haven't had the pads changed yet at all. If you think the pads look dirty, you can clean them a bit by sliding a dollar bill over the hole, pressing the key down, and pulling the dollar out. But don't do this in spite of getting them changed. MY BEST suggestion would to have a professional look at it.

Soft brakes and hand brake after changing rear discs and pads?

New pads will have to be burnished to fit the irregularities of the rotor - driving approx. 200 miles should "break pads in" and pedal should improve.

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The rear brake pads on your 1993 Ford Escort can be changed by removing the brake pad Springs and break caliper. The brake pads will come off. Reverse the process to install the new brake pads.

Change brake pads on Volvo s40?

The brake pads in a Volvo s40 can be changed by safely raising and propping the vehicle up. Removing the wheels and caliper. Slide the brake pads from the caliper. Before installing new pads spray brake cleaner. Install new pads.

What items should be checked while carrying out a brake inspection?

break lining break pads break shoes break pipes break fluid leakes brake disk

How often should the front brake discs be changed on a hyundai coupe?

Brake discs or rotors need only be changed if they are scored or below minimum thickness. Pads will typically need to be changed about every 40,000 kms or so. Inspect for wear at least twice a year.

Why won't break peddle go down when i try to break?

Well if you changed your brake pads that could be the problem. if you pushed your calipers down and got into your vehicle you should have pumped your brake pedel a few times to let the calipers build presser back up....

When should the brakes be changed?

Disc pads and brake shoes should be changed when almost down to the metal. In the case of disc pads it only takes 15 minutes to check, just remove wheel and look in the gap at how much wear is left. Your should do this at least twice a year.