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well most insurance companies already charge you an arm and a leg if you are under the age of 25 and it is also determined on what kind of car you have. if you have a red sports car and are under 25 you can take it to the bank that your insurance will be sky high. with that said, and regardless of your car type, I would imagine your car insurance would go up greatly since you are under 25 and have an accident on your record.

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Q: How much would a 16 year olds insurance go up if he got in an accident?
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It may, or it may not. Different insurance companies have different policies on how they raise rates. If it was a first accident and there are no other accidents or other violations, then it may not go up all that much, if any.

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Depend on companies and engine size of the car and other factors.

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Depends on the location that you live. Rates vary between city and country settings.

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Obviously, that depends on your plan, but I'm 25 and my private insurance is $150/month.

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Most 16 year olds will not be able to get motorcycle insurance without being on their parent's policy. Motorcycle insurance is very expensive, just like auto insurance for someone this young. It would probably be hundreds of dollars a year but would depend on many factors such as type of bike, year, power, etc.

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The courts follow by the Custodial parents income,they will require insurance coverage for the children also.

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Car Insurance Premiums are not calculated based on the policy holders age. Instead, they are calculated based on the make of your car, its current market value, the age of your car, your driving history etc

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No it depends on you insurance company, some companies require the kid to be on the insurance while others don't until they get their day license.