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Insurance increases mostly due to accidents not neccessarily tickets.

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Q: How much will your insurance go up for going 38 over the speed limit?
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Related questions

How much is a speeding ticket in NC for going 17mph over the speed limit?

get a lawyer, or your insurance will go way up

If you are 16 and have gotten your first ticket for going 11 mph over the speed limit how much will your insurance go up?

In California, its $359.

How much are speeding tickets in NC?

It depends on how much over the speed limit you were going.

How much time would you save going 11 miles per hour over the speed limit for a distance of 20 miles?

That depends on how much the speed limit is.

How much is the ticket for speeding in ca?

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How much will a ticket cost going 95 in a 70 mph?

it depends what the speed limit is

How much will insurance raise for an 18-year-old who gets a speeding ticket going 16 mph over the speed limit in Oklahoma?

Obey the limit.Your insurance company will dun him 10% for as long as 5 years. The 10% is of the total policy cost. Tell he that's why there are speed limit signs. What part about obeying the limit doesn't he understand??? I recommend you this site where you can compare quotes from different companies:

How will a ticket for exceeding posted speed affect your insurance?

If it's just one and just for a couple MPH over the limit, probably not much. If you've had a few speeding tickets or were going enough over the limit to be considered "reckless driving", your rates will go up depending on how much the insurance company feels your behavior is increasing the risk of an accident.

How much will it cost for over speeding in California?

Depends on how much over the speed limit you go. About 150.00 at 10 miles over the speed limit plus the cost of traffic school. You will get a notice in the mail telling you how much and how to pay it. As the speed goes up so does the fees.

How much does a ticket hurt your car insurance rates?

Getting a driving ticket will hurt one's car insurance rates though how much will depend on the speed one was going. Within 5 mph or the limit and the damage will not be significant but more than 15 mph and it could be as much as a 20% increase.

How much it would be if you were doing 75 on 55 road?

You would be going 20 over the speed limit. Math not your forte', eh? I would like to know how much money How much money it would cost if i got speeding ticket. I was going 75 on road which the speed limit is 55

How much will a ticket for speeding 77MPH in 60 MPH speed zone in Louisiana affect car insurance for an 18 year old.?

It is important to not drive over the speed limit for the safety of everyone on the road. Doing 17 over the speed limit can cause a persons insurance rates to up significantly, the person can also lose their license.