Age and sex is only 2 factors out of many that determine what an auto insurance rate could be. It's best to call a agent to determine the costs. i recommend you this site where you can compare quotes from different companies:
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There are literally hundreds of considerations that can be taken into consideration when getting a rate for insurance. I would call multiple agents to get the best rate and policy for you.
stacy minars
Arayna Eison
There is no way to answer this rates are based on too many things you will need to contact an agent/s for quotes.
Your parents status should have no effect on your ability to get insurance.
The Girl Motor online service offers a wide variety of auto insurance options. For example, the company offers insurance for cars, trucks, motorcycles, and more.
That would be Doctor Who!!Well actually no. It has a 16yearold girl as the main star, and her mother has recently died. Her father is a collector and for the girl's birthday present, he bought that box.
i dont know ASK YOUR MOM!!
With good grades (honor roll) and a clean record it should not be more then $200 a month. That would be crazy for a new driver though.
The average cost for motorcycle insurance is usually around 500 dollars a year. For a 16 year old girl, it will probably be more expensive, at least 75 dollars a month if they will even insure a motorcycle.
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