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Most Insurance Companies do not require you to add young drivers until they are licensed. You should check with your Insurance Agent. Additionally, there is no "set" rate for young drivers; this varies from company to company.

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Q: How much will adding two sons with learners permits to your auto insurance policy cost?
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Do you need to be added to your parents auto insurance policy when you have a learners permit?

Have your parents contact your insurance agent as soon as you receive your learners permit. Most companies require that you be added to policy as a driver. Most companies don't charge an extra premium for drivers with learners permits but do want them listed.

What kinds of car insurances are there for learner drivers?

There are short term auto insurances for people with learners permits. A person could also get a rider to an already existing insurance policy to cover an individual with a learners permit.

Can you get a car insurance with only a learners permit?

No, you can not get insurance unless you have at least one licensed driver on a policy.

Do drivers with learner permits need car insurance?

Auto Insurance Required for Learners PermitYes, A Drivers or Learners "Permit" is permission to drive and therefore a temporary license with certain restrictions.You can obtain your own auto insurance or you can be covered under someone else's policy such as your parents or the vehicle owners policy, but you must have coverage.A Drivers Permit comes with all the responsibilities of anyone licensed or not who operates a motor vehicle on public roads, including our financial responsibility.

Can i have car insurance with learners licence?

If your insurance company allows you to do this, you will also need to have another driver listed on your policy. This is mandatory because the learners permit only allows you to drive under the supervision of a properly licensed driver. They will have to be listed as a driver on the policy as well.

What is the procedure for adding someone as beneficiary to a life insurance policy?

If its your policy, Just call your agent======== If not, Then NO!

If you are in the state of NY will insurance companies raise your rates if you obtain a learners permit at sixteen years old?

Yes, it stands to reason that adding a sixteen year old driver to any policy would raise the rates (unfortunately!).

What are good car insurance that will accept learners permit?

Depending on the state, all states allow properly licensed young drivers with a learners permit to operate a vehicle. This is to assume that the young driver is listed on the policy as he should be as a driver on the policy.

Is my son covered on my policy with his learner's permit?

Most insurance companies will automatically insure a child in your home with a learners permit. It is best to check with your insurance company to be sure.

Do you have to get your auto insurance under your cosigner's auto insurance if they cosign for you?

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Does a 15 and a half year old with a learners permit need his own insurance policy or is he covered under the parents policy?

He is covered under his parents' policy until he gets his own car and license.

Does a learners permit have to be insured in new york?

Anyone driving in any state is required to be covered on the insurance policy of the vehicle they're operating, whether named on the policy, or covered by uninsured motorist coverage on that policy.