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How much does the average home in California cost? These types of questions are impossible to answer and if I gave you and answer it would be useless to as well. There are eight different homeowners forms for different situations and so many different variables that homeowners policy premiums probably would range from $150 to $20,000 and I am just guessing. Some of the variables include Policy Form, Amount of Coverage, Fore Protection Class, Zip Code, Credit Rating, Deductible, Replacement Cost or Not, Special Endorsements, and many, many, others.

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Q: How much on average does home owners insurance cost in California?
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There is no such thing as an average home insurance cost. Every house has it's own risk factors. The cost of home insurance is determined by many factors such as your region, past weather history of your area, the owners credit rating, number of claims you have filed in the past, number of claims filed on the home in the past, etc, etc,

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Auto insurance rates depend on several factors, from your age to the type of car you are driving. An average amount for auto insurance in California would be between $2,000 and $3,000 per year.

What is the average cost of home owners insurance in your area?

Depending on your area, it will be different than mine or someone else's. Therefore, you should find your local newspaper or simply go to a insurance company. They often time give you their quote and the quotes of others. The average cost will be unique for each area.

What is the average cost of car insurance in the world?

The average cost of car insurance in the world is difficult to find due to inflation and currency exchange. However the average cost of car insurance in 2010 in the USA was $791 and in 2012 the average cost of car insurance in the United Kingdom hit 971 euros.

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The average monthly cost of home owner's insurance is aproximately $250,000 a month.

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What is the average cost of mortgage insurance?

The best way to find out the average cost of morgage insurance is to talk to a local bank. Another way is to go on websites that will have such information and determine the average cost.