For the US, the average is somewhere between 15 barrels a day and 30 barrels a day, but some are producing much more.
the united states produce about 400 billion gallons of oil in 5 hours you are a complete moron if you believed that
Depends on the length and how long it is worked in.
I personally produce or import no crude oil
Fracking can produce varying amounts of oil depending on factors like the geology of the site, technology used, and well conditions. On average, a fracked well can produce anywhere from hundreds to thousands of barrels of oil per day during its peak production, with overall production declining over time.
Oil sands are important to Canada, and the United States, because of how much oil they produce, and how much oil we consume with our machines, or how ever else. But its also important because, well as my opinion as a Canadian, it is Dirty Oil.
i think we can produce over 3 million gallons of oil everyday.
32 barrels of oil. they dont need very much.
US at about 20,000,000 barrels of oil daily.
About 0.43 US gallons of oil.
A teaspoon. 5ml
Europe produces close to 20% of the world's oil.
An average of 19.4 million barrel of petroleum products daily.