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The loan was 7.1 billion not 100 trillion. They have paid back all of the loan.

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Q: How much money has General Motors paid back to the government of the 100 trillion?
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How much money does the US government collect in income tax?

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Estimates from 2008 put the US government income from taxes at $2.524 trillion.

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The United States government has no money. In fact it is in debt more than 9 trillion dollars.

What are the weaknesses of General Motors?

One major weakness of General Motors is the fact that they have a lot of overhead, which affects their ability to make money. They are responsible for paying retirement benefits to many former employees.

How much money has General Motors been loaned by us government?

$49.4 billion. $19.4 billion before bankruptcy and another $30 billion to fund GM through it. See the link below.

What is federal spending?

Government spending is the amount of money that a government allocates and eventually spends in a specific period of time. The US government spends about one trillion dollars per year.

Does the us government have enough money in reserve to pay its debt?

The United States of America currently has approx. 77 trillion dollars worth of assets and 113 trillion in debt that is including all the money in reserve. so no the Us does not have enough money in reserve to pay out its debt.

What automobile company makes the most money?

general motors i think. well only including american automobile companies

What does the US government spend the most money on?

For the fiscal year 2013, the U.S. government spent $3.5 trillion. It is expected that the annual budget for the fiscal year 2014 will increase to $3.8 trillion.