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It is impossible for anyone to give you a rate in a forum like this. Insurance companies have as many as fifty or so factors that go into calculating rates. Age, sex and vehicle type is only a few and will not allow anyone to give you a rate. You need to call agents in your area in order to get accurate estimates for auto insurance.

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Q: How much is car insurance for a 17 year old male with a datson 280z?
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What is the msrp of a 1977 280z?

It depends on how much rust is on the car, body condition, engine, tranny, rear end, interior etc. I don't know the exact price because I can not see your 280z but I have seen 280z's sell for as much as $40,000 in great condition. In very bad condition, lower hundreds.

How much is car insurance for a 19 year old male?


How much is motorcycle insurance for a 30 year old male in Illinois with a 350cc?

Contact the Illinois Department of Insurance

How much would insurance be for a 16 year old male?

Go to various insurance company websites to get a quote!

How much does car insurance cost for a 21 year old male?

Contact an insurance agent. They will give you a quote.

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There are quite a few factors that will determine how much insurance costs, I would call a local agent for a quote.

How much should car insurance be for an eighteen year old male in Chicago?


How much is a 1976 Datsun 280z worth?

whats the condition and does it run? because that makes a huge difference.

Hom much would car insurance cost for a 18-year-old male in Texas?

There are too many variables to be able to give you an estimate. It depends on the car, your record, and how much insurance. For an accurate price contact an insurance company.

Is there away to put powersteering in a 1977 Datsun 280z and how much would it be around?

yes but it's not cost effective and not a that much of a noticeable difference in performance

How much would a 17 year old male pay for motorcycle insurance in Massachusetts?

A 17 year old male will pay a considerately higher amount for motorcycle insurance in Massachusetts than someone older. On average a 30 year old male for motorcycle insurance would pay $700 a year. A 17 year old would typically pay approximately $1,400 a year for insurance.

How much would insurance cost for a 17-year-old male who drives a 1997 Mustang?

Probably a lot.