If you don't have insurance how will it go against your insurance?
yes you can
The person in who's name the the ticket was issued is responsible for the ticket.
The speeding ticket is a separate issue. If you don't have insurance you get done for driving without insurance, speeding or not.
In most cases, a car will not get towed just for driving without insurance. The officer will usually ticket the driver instead.
If the ticket was issued to his name then NO, it will not effect your insurance rate.
If there is no insurance on the vehicle and you get a ticket for driving without insurance you are guilty of the offense and will have to pay your fine. Even though the vehicle belongs to someone else it is the responsibility of the driver to make sure there is valid auto insurance on the vehicle before driving it.
Between $200 - $1500
Well i got a ticket about a month ago for driving without automobile insurance in Georgia (and it wasn't my car by the way....wont make that mistake again) and the officer gave me a ticket for $515 dollars...
how much is the fine for driving without insurance in iowa
An exhibition driving ticket is likely to increase your insurance rates. You need to call your insurance company and let the know about your ticket.
It depends on where you are when you get the ticket. The fines and associated punitive fees for driving without insurance are determined by each jurisdiction. Generally you can read the back of your citation for contact and payment for your jurisdiction.