IN San Francisco it's $244.25 for towing fees and another $85 for the ticket itself.
Blocking a driveway is not a criminal offense, unless you refuse to move. You may get a ticket for blocking a driveway depending on where it is.
Yes, you can receive a ticket for blocking the sidewalk in your driveway as it obstructs pedestrian access and violates local ordinances.
Yes, you can get a ticket for blocking your own driveway if it violates local parking regulations or obstructs emergency access.
$25 Chap 90 20A1/2 violation code 3
Yes, you can park in your driveway without blocking the sidewalk.
I think that you could call a tow company have it moved, and give the owner the bill.
Yes you can, because you are blocking a public right of way for pedestrians. It is a fine-able offense.
What type of driveway? Was it a curving and could not see the car before rounding the curve? Is it straight; then why did you not see the car blocking the driveway before even getting into car and/or backing..
Yes, blocking the sidewalk is illegal and if it is over the sidewalk it is not legally parked in your driveway.
52$ for blocking an intersection at the appearance of the red light.
You don't. Stop being rude and blocking people's driveways! Every day some idiot parks across my driveway and I have to call the police to get out of my own garage. Rude people like you burn me up, and I do everything I can to ensure you get a ticket and learn not to block residents' access to their own home!