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Assuming you're in the US, an old beater equivalent you would be lucky to get under 100k.

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Q: How much is a small plane?
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How much does a small passenger plane weigh?


What is a small single engine plane?

a small engine plane is a plane that is small

How much is a small jet plane?

around 15 mill for a crap small used one

How much is it to fuel a small plane?

It depends on the plane but 150 gallons is pretty average among small planes. Avgas is about $4.00 a gallon so that comes out to about $600 to fill it up.

How much does a small plane cost?

30 to 500,000 dollars depending on how good you want it

How much power do you need tp fly a plane?

It depends on the size of the plane. Some ultralights can fly with what's equivalent to a small motorcycle engine.

What is the airplane that the Wright brothers used?

It was a small bi plane. Biplane are planes that have two wings. This plane's design was not aerodynamic. It created much drag.

What are the procedures in a small plane if the engine has stopped?

What are the procedures in a small plane and the engine fails

What is a similar word to bush plane?

small plane

How much is a plane worth?

First, you would have to tell us which plane you mean. A very small light airplane would be a few thousand dollars, a stealth fighter several millions of dollars, and a carpenter's wood plane about $15.

Can you buy a small aircraft and use it to gain flight hours and how much would it cost to maintain?

Yes, and a lot of people do. How much it will cost to maintain depends on the plane you get - in general, the fancier or more powerful a plane is, the more it costs to maintain.

What is a Cessna 406 plane?

Only one 1 because it is a small plane.