Depends what vehicle, usually around $40-$75 for a crap used one. Expect to pay around $250 or less for a brand new one.
The amount a scrap yard will pay for a car radiator in Los Angeles can differ due to various factors. In most cases, the newer the car, the more you will be paid.
pretty much all the parts, as long as they are in good condition.
obviously not much unless you collect them, if so what are they worth to you? Aluminum scrap value about 60 cents per pound scrap value, They don't take up much space, put them i n the back bottom of you sock drawer and will them to your grandson, they may be worth something then, in 25 years.
No. The scrap material is always worth something.
I took my alternator to the scrap yard and only got $1.44 for it.... It weighed 12lbs. You get more of a discount like 30 if you trade it in for another one.
about 50 or 60 dollars
In the UK, it's not "how much can you get for it" but "how much will it cost to get rid of" for a junk/scrap car.
A person can get money from a scrap dealer for scrapping their car. A scrap dealer pays for scrap, usually by the pound. The bigger the car, the more scrap metal it has and would be worth more.
Without separating the steel from the aluminum, not much.
Who knows? It's probably worth more as a parts vehicle than it is as a used car. If all you want is the worth of it in scrap metal you'll be disappointed.
This is a major mechanical project. Remove the clutch and manual transmission and the radiator. Install automatic transmission, new driveshaft, new radiator. You have just spent as much as a car is worth.