You already answered your own question.
If the house is worth 300K, then you buy hazard insurance on the home for 300k. It would be unlawfull (insurance Fraud) to over-insure your property.
If you are having this construction done by a bonified contractor, then their insurance should cover any/all damages. If you, the homeowner, are doing the construction and someone gets hurt, your home hazard insurance policy should cover that. Your home policy most likely will not cover other damages.
Hazard insurance is specific to a certain type of problem that can happen to your property. This can be anything from flood insurance to vandalism insurance.
IF the home is financed, the lender will require fire and hazard insurance. The policy will at a minimum cover the lender's cost.
There are millions of things that a homeowners insurance policy does not cover. To find out what it does cover just read your policy, anything not on there is not covered.
If they are not on your policy then they are not covered.
No, Homeowners Insurance is Hazard Insurance it does not cover the costs of asthetics. That's landscaping or Lawn Maintenance.
A homeowners insurance policy will cover the interests of the named insured on the policy. It does not matter if the insured is a student or not.
Homeowners insurance does not generally cover the murder of a person listed on the policy. For that, you need life insurance.
No, Your homeowners insurance is a type of "Hazard Insurance", you must continue to make your mortgage payments as usual. If your policy contains "Loss of use" coverage, then your insurance will cover the cost of temporary housing within policy limits, allowing you to continue making your mortgage payments.
No, Homeowners Insurance does not provide the coverage of a life insurance policy.
No, not normally unless that tree is a hazard to the insured structure. Tree trimming, maintenance and removal of trees and shrubs are a normal part of your landscape maintenance and are not covered by your homeowners Insurance policy. Some companies will offer additional coverage for a premium that provides for tree removal even when not a hazard but it is usually added as an endorsement to the policy.