Aproximately 0.8 gallons per hour is the average. Although all cars will be a little different.
3051 Lit per hour
Depends on the motorycle, number of cyclinders, idle speed, engine modifications, exhaust modifications, intake modifications etc... not much
For the first hour the fuel burn is approx 6000 pounds @ 4 USD /Gallon (check actual price for jet fuel) = $3,529.41 USD/Hr (first hour) for fuel burn only!
between 20000 and 37000 liters per hour
Depending on the engine in a 172 they will burn from 6-10 gallons per hour
The fuel burn on a Falcon 20F-5 is 280 gallons per hour. For more information on this aircraft, please visit our website at the link.
5000 lbs per hour
They use about 8 gallons per hour in cruise flight.
Probably around 20 L an hour
2500 pounds per hour, which is about 368 gallons per hour. by: a 13 year old.
The Airbus A320 burns roughly 2500 pounds per hour, which is about 368 gallons per hour.