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There is no standard capacity for automotive batteries. Automobile manufacturers provide batteries that match the specific requirements of different makes and models of cars. Automotive batteries are generally rated for CCA or cold cranking amps. The CCA is the number of amps that a 12.6 volt car battery should be able to deliver at 0°F (−18°C) for thirty seconds without dropping lower than 7.2 volts. A battery with a high CCA rating will be more reliable for starting a car in very cold weather.

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The battery gives the electricity to a car

How much electricity can a battery make?

That depends on the battery. A car battery makes 12 volts. An AA cell battery makes 1.5 volts.

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the battery.

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A battery

Is the car battery the only source of electrical power in your car?

The battery is the storage device for electricity in the vehicle. However the alternator is what creates electricity to keep the battery fully charged and to run all the electronics in the vehicle.

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Yes, it will hold it's charge for at least 6 months in storage if it is a very good battery to start with.

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By electricity drawn from the car battery.

Can electricity from a car kill you?

NO! They use a car battery and jumper cables to torture people.