If you need a car when you get there, it might be cheaper to take your own car over on the ferry otherwise, there are very cheap flights.
Quite simply, it is far more straightforward for the Spirit of Tasmania to dock in Devonport. It is a shorter journey straight across Bass Strait than for the ferry to go south, then negotiate its way through the harbour to Hobart. Taking a car or hiring one in Devonport is a more direct and cost-effective option.
The cost would differ if you were using American dollars as oppose to the currency for Ireland. It would also depend on where you were trying to ferry your car to. It would cost less than $100 dollars.
How much does a new car cost?
Depends what Bay, distance, and the size and weight of the vehicle, and you might have to pay fuel surcharges, also check the website of the port authority to find the appropriate cost. GOOD LUCK :-)
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Not unless you have an aqua car. If you have an aqua car, can I have one too? You can take your own vehicle on the ferry (Spirit of Tasmania) across the Bass Strait from Melbourne to Davenport, then drive to Hobart. The driving distance from Davenport to Hobart is approximately 280 kilometres.
how much did a car cost in 1995
The person- only ferry is one hour, while the car ferry is two.
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