the galexy does not weigh anything
its mass is around 1,153,678000000000000000000000000000000000000 kg
The Samsung Galaxy Gear weighs 73.8 grams.
The tablet without the box is 380 g (0.84 lb)
i dont know How much do eggs weigh?How mHow much do eggs weigh?uch do eggs weigh?How much do eggs weigh?How much dHHow much do eggs weigh?ow much do eggs weigh?o eggs weigh?How much do eggs weigh?
the galaxy has so much stars ;)
Yes, much bigger. There are many stars in our galaxy, thousands of millions of them. Everything you see in the night sky is in our galaxy, including the Moon, so the galaxy is much bigger.
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How much do triceratops weigh?
us 393695 for a aventador galaxy
about 600lb
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