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No seat belt violation is not considered a moving violation by most insurance companies so there is no point charge.

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Q: How much does car insurance go up for 16 year old that gets a ticket for no seat belt in Georgia?
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If you are driving someone vehicle and it does not have current tag or insurance who gets ticket?

The driver will get the ticket.

Will a no seat belt ticket go on your license in New York?

If an adult gets a ticket for not having a seat belt it will not go on your license in the state of New York. however, if the ticket is for a child not having a seat belt on, it will go on your license.

How does seat belt ticket affect cdl?

It's your CSA2010 report which gets the worst of it, actually. Many companies will fire you if you get a seat belt ticket in their vehicle.

If a friend without insurance driving your car gets a ticket for jumping a red light will your insurance go up?

If the ticket was issued to his name then NO, it will not effect your insurance rate.

If the passenger is not wearing their seat belt who gets the ticket?

the driver because that is the one who is driving

Whose insurance is affected when a friend gets a ticket when driving your car?

Insurance follows the car, and points follow the driver. which means that the friend will receive the ticket and the points against his insurance. However, your insurance will pay for your car and you should not receive the points for the ticket. Check with your state for insurance guidelines.

If a person is driving their parents car under their parents' insurance and lets a friend borrow the car if the friend gets a ticket will the ticket affect the parents' or friend's insurance?

I believe the Parents insurance go up!

If someone gets a ticket in Mississippi while driving another persons car will the owner's insurance be affected or the driver's?

The person who gets a ticket for a moving violation is the person who will be affected on their insurance rates. Your insurer checks your driving record. They have no way of checking who else may have received a ticket while driving your vehicle.

Does a seat belt ticket go on your record in Michigan?

It is very important to wear seatbelts in a vehicle.Yes, if a person gets a ticket for not wearing a seatbelt, it does go on their record.

If uncovered driver gets speeding ticket in your car?

If a person that is not covered by the insurance of the car being driven is given a ticket, the driver is responsible for the ticket. The insurance company that covers the car can tell the owner what affect it may or may not have for the policy owner.

If you buy a motorcycle for your son and put him on your insurance and he gets a ticket will your insurance go up or will it go on his record?

I'm thinking the ticket will go on your sons' record and your insurance will go up. A lisence to drive or ride is the "ticket" to having your own personal record. It's up to you if you get speeding tickets or accidents put on it. Now your insurance is your insurance with him on it and therefor it will rise.

Will your insurance be notified if someone else gets a ticket in your vehicle?

It can show up on your CLUE report which insurance companies use. Generally it will have your car but the other persons name and info. It is easy to get the insurance company to ignore that ticket under those circumstances.