Depends on region and locale. Monthly rental prices can vary from a couple hundred to thousands per month ... it would be difficult, at best, to average out all apartments.
The average cost of an apartment in Nova Scotia varies depending on the specific size of the apartment and location. For example, an apartment in Halifax Nova Scotia is estimated at $300 plus the cost of utilities while an apartment in New Glasgow Nova Scotia will cost approximately twice as much.
For seniors the average apartment cost is about 900 dollar as long as is not to luxurious.
An average apartment costs $530 per month in Humboldt county. This is the price for a one-bedroom apartment and this may vary depending on the exact location.
On average you can expec to spend about 15% more for a fully furnished apartment. If you do not already have furniture this may be a good idea for you.
How much does it cost for a two bedroom apartment in brooklyn
How much does it cost for a two bedroom apartment in brooklyn
$100 is the average cost of rent for a one bedroom apartment in San antonio.
the average is $115,605.
The average rent/cost of an apartment in Hollywood, California is about 1000 dollars for a studio apartment, over 1500 for a 1 bedroom, almost 2000 for a 2 bedroom, and almost 3000 for a 3 bedroom apartment.