A one-way Greyhound bus ticket from California to Arkansas averages $ 150.00.
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How much is a drinking on highway ticket in arkansas
The cost for a round trip ticket from Texarkana, Arkansas to Tulsa, Oklahoma will vary based on availability. It is best to check specific dates and times for accurate pricing.
Depending on the fare type purchased, a bus ticket from Bay City to Little Rock will cost approximately $145.20 - $184.00.
This will depend upon what city you were in. It will also depend upon whether or not you have any other violations.
I've heard that it is 75.00 the 1st and the 2nd is x2 and the 3rd is x3.
around $500 plus 8 hours of caltrans clean up
Depending on the fare type selected, a one-way Adult ticket from Rogers/Bentonville, AR to El Monte, CA will cost approximately $169.15 - $222.00.
Depending on the fare type selected, a round-trip Adult ticket from Little Rock to Los Angeles will cost approximately $284.75 - $374.00.