Between 9000-10000 lbs. curb weight, # depending on std/crew cab, engine and wheel base. GVW rating usually at 26,000lbs. (thats truck, cargo,occupants)
I own one with a 5 yard dump box on it. I weigh in at 11060lbs empty.
The vehicle in question was a 1993 Ford F700 box truck, rented from Ryder (System, Inc.).
The gross weight for box trucks is from 8,600lbs up to 26,000lbs.
No way of answering without knowing a specific model. A Chevy "box truck" could be anything from a Silverado or Vandura chassis with a box on it, all the way up to a tandem axle Chevrolet Bison commercial truck.
It weighs aproximantly 10,000-15,000 lbs.
Take it to the post office. They will weigh it, tell you how much it will cost, slap a stamp on it, put it in a truck, and drive it to Salt Lake.
Truck have to be weigh because you have to know how strong or thick it is like if a truck is light, it means it's weak and if you put a heavy box that contain something that need to be transfer, then the box would break the truck for it weight. If the truck is too heavy, then when you drive the truck, it would either sink for it weight, it might become very slow, or even the engine wouldn't even work. This is why a truck have to be weigh.
check the box. Or weigh it.small are 750gm - large 1 kilo
Well that depends. What is the box made out of?
It depends on what box of cereal it is
10,750lb +/- 1,500lb