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There is more than one answer to this question. The approximate empty weight of a 10 wheel, 3 axle cement mixer is estimated at between 35,000 and 40,000. The maximum legal GVW (Gross Vehicle Weight) loaded for a 10 wheel 3 axle cement mixer is 73,280lbs, depending on the state. A 10 wheel, rear discharge mixer can have a drum which varies in size from 7 cubic yards to 11 cubic yards. The size of the drum affects the weight. The empty weight is also affected by the wheels (Cast Iron Dayton's or Aluminum Budd's) the difference in weight is 1,200 pounds. A concrete mixer is also affected by the size of the water tank. These vary in size from 150 gallons to 400 gallons. This could have an affect on the vehicle weight of between 1,050 and 2,800 lbs.

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Q: How much does a concrete mixer truck with tandem axle no lift axle rear discharge ten wheels weigh?
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How much does a concrete mixer truck weigh?

They come in many sizes and configurations. They could be single axle trucks, tandem axle trucks, tandem axle truck with additional lift axles, tandem axle trucks with a twin steer setup (and these may also have additional lift axles, as well), and even tractor-trailers with mixer trailers. You'd have to be a little more specific as to which one you had in mind.

Where to purchase concrete mixer in hyderabad?

You can purchase Concrete Mixer from Acme Concrete Mixer Pvt Ltd, their contact Nos. are 9246365055/9246584825.

Drawing of concrete mixer?

the desing of concrete mixer including the shaft and belt design

What is the Weight of a concrete mixer truck?

The weight of a concrete mixer truck can vary depending on the size of the truck and if the truck is weighted with concrete it may be carrying. A concrete mixer truck is about 20,000 to 30,000 pounds without concrete.

How strong is a mixer?

Concrete mixer, food mixer, an alcoholic drink? More information is needed.

What is the most commonly used cement mixer?

The most commonly used cement mixer is the vertical axis mixer. This type of mixer has been a favorite of companies and person purchasers that use colored concrete, small concrete projects, and multiple places where the concrete can be positioned.

What is the most commonly used cement?

The most commonly used cement mixer is the vertical axis mixer. This type of mixer has been a favorite of companies and person purchasers that use colored concrete, small concrete projects, and multiple places where the concrete can be positioned.

How many cubic meter is a mixer?

The size of a mixer can vary widely, but a typical portable concrete mixer can hold around 0.2 to 3 cubic meters of material.

How many hour's concrete takes to dry in trans mixer?

Concrete does not dry, it cures.

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What do you get if you cross a burglar with a concrete mixer?

A hardened criminal

Why did Ray Bradbury title the story the concrete mixer?

Ray Bradbury titled the story "The Concrete Mixer" to symbolize the destructive power of technology and progress. The concrete mixer itself becomes a metaphor for the dehumanizing effects of industrialization and modernity that threaten to erode the values and traditions of a simpler time.