Not enough that's for sure. The entry level adjuster can earn $25,000 -$35,000 a year depending on his or her experience and level of training. The very experienced adjuster can earn $ 45,000 - 60,000 or more.
At the Progressive Corporation their claims adjuster salary ranges from $32K to $54K per year. If bonuses and benefits are added the salary tops out at $59K. A senior claims adjuster at Allstate can earn as much as $72K.
$30K to $60K depending on length of time employed. Large loss or catastrophic claims adjusters earn from $60K to $100K+
Claims Portal sells insurance claims software for a claims adjuster. You can get Property and casualty insurance claim adjuster resources at
A claims adjuster inspects claims of damages made after an accident. They are usually hired by an insurance company, but can also be hired privately. It is their job to figure out who is at fault, and how much damages should be rewarded.
An Assessor dealing with marine claims is commonly referred to as a Marine Claims Adjuster.
To find out the salary a claims adjuster makes you can go to It will give you the median in the united states of how much you can make. It also has a calculator to determine how much you can make in your area and with your experience.
Not is you are the adjuster for the ins. co.
A Workers' Compensation Adjuster's salary depends on many variables. The State, the difficulty levels of that particular State's workers' compensation laws, the difficulty of the claims being handled, the experience level of the adjuster and the size of the carrier/TPA. In Florida, a workers' compensation claims adjuster can start at around $30,000 and can make more than $65,000 as a senior adjuster with more than 10 years experience.
The main job of an insurance claims adjuster is to evaluate and investigate insurance claims. They must begin by interviewing the claimant and witnesses.
An insurance claims adjuster is a person who decides how much money their company is going to give you for your loss.AnswerAn insurance claims adjuster is a person who coordinates damage reports, loss and damage repair estimates to assist the insurance company in determining the monetary value or repair cost of your loss.
One can find work as a claims adjuster in most major insurance companies. Claims adjusters are typically licensed in their home state or by their national government (outside of the United States).
ther is no exact answer for this question. There is an extremely broad range. It depends on the adjusters level of Authority, how broad a scope of operations the Adjusters License allows, the number of years experience, The experience level in the type of claims adjusted and in what lines of insurance they adjust. It Could be anywhere from twenty some odd thousand per year up to several hundred thousand per year. Obviously a claims adjuster who sets and reviews hundreds of medical claims per day or per week is really just pushing paper and will most likely make a maximum of around 36 to 60 thousand a year, A supervisory level adjuster may earn 100 k or more depending on what state they work in. An Adjuster who processes claims for multimillion dollar offshore oil rigs and International shipping losses valued in the billions could command a salary in the ranges from 100 to 200 thousand a year. A claims Adjuster at a supervisory level in this arena could possibly earn half a million dollars or more per year.