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I depends on where you live.

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Q: How much does a busking licence cost?
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How much does a busking license cost?

It is usually quite easy and usually free (:

How much does a busking permit cost in Chicago Illinois?

Nothing. You may busk without a permit in Chicago.

How much does a monkey licence cost?

four dollars

How much does a general contracor licence typically cost?

A general contractor licence usually costs about $200.

How much does it cost to buy licence plates in California?

about $567

How old do you have to be to get a motorcycling licence and how much is the cost?

Depends where in the world you live

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How much does a licence plate sticker cost for a car?

depending on state

How much does a TV licence cost?

£145.50 a year for colour television

How much does it cost to get your license?

That will vary by state, and what class licence you're getting.

How much does it cost to get your gun licence in Victoria Australia?

it can cost 600.00 dollors to go for your gun licence.

How much does a commercial cost for BBC?

The BBC is currently funded by the licence fee - not commercials.