about 4000 dollars a year
61k a year
Bus drivers offered £20,000 a week
Various factors can influence how much a London bus driver earns. You could expect to earn about £500 - £700 a week.
As much as the company decides to pay them.
around £7.00 per hour
Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority
The average yearly salary for a bus driver in Edinburgh, Indiana is $23,000. The average annual salary for a bus driver in Pontiac, Michigan is $30,000.
Sadly Not Enough, I work at the Golden Crustations Retirment Home as a Bus Driver and my Income is at the minimum 47K/per week. I know How Shabby! Can't believe they can't pay me any more? In a year I will earn at least, 53.9 Million? :( Bus Driving is so POOR.
How much does school bus driver ear a year in Las Vegas
Anything up ti £1300 per month