Get it checked by a certified tech with experience first.
they dont have that much snow. whell they dont have any snow!
it depends on what year it is but you should do fine as long as its not over 6,100 pounds
depends on your particular setup. a rear whell drive v8 takes 16.5 hrs x the shop rate. An all wheel drive v6 is 24.6 hours labor. It could cost 2k to reapr the engine if that is the problem.
24.5 / 25.0 / 30.0 gallons , depending on cabstyle , short or long wheelbase
2000 F150 v6 4.2L has 205HP
~$250, give or take? Fuel mileage depends largely on your driving habits.
a lot
How much horse power does a 1995 f150 with a 351 5.8 V8 have?
About 900