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Depends on 2 main factors. Amount of the fine levied against you, & time spent in the impound yard. Every day it sits there will cost you more money.

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11y ago

Depends on 2 main factors. Amount of the fine levied against you, & time spent in the impound yard. Every day it sits there will cost you more money.

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Q: How much do it cost to get a car out the impound?
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How much does it cost to get a car out of impound?

it depends on the car

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How much does it cost to get your car out the impound in Illinois?

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...some dollars...^^

How much does it cost to get your car out of impound in oh?

Call the impound garage and ask them, do it soon because each day cost more.

How much does it cost to get a prisoner's car out of impound in LA?

7 dollars

How much does it cost to get your car out of impound in PA?

$100/day in norristown, pa

How much does it cost to get a car out of impound in Texas?

The cost to get a car out of impound in Texas will vary. It will depend on which county it was towed in and which company towed it. To find out where the car is, call the police department and they will tell you. Then you can call the towing company to find out what the fees will be.

How much does it cost to pick up a car after being towed?

Whatever the terms of the impound lot is.

How much does it cost to take a car out of inpound in New Mexico?

It will depend on local towing, impound and storage fees. You should contact the agency that did the impound for information.

Can you get your car from impound?

Yes. It WILL cost you a pretty penny. Retreving a vehicle from impound could cost anywhere from $500 to $1500 to get it back. Good luck!

How much will it cost to get your car out of the impound in California?

Depends on how long it's been impounded, which agency or private company is running the impound lot, and whether or not you'll need to have it towed out of impound (e.g., if your registration is expired, you won't be allowed to drive it out).

How much will a no insurance and no registration ticket in California cost you also My beat up car is in the impound and it is not worth getting out Should you just give it to the impound?

They are still going to make you pay the fine.