The average price depends on the condition of the car. A Healey in rough shape averages about 18,000 (US). A car in good shape is about 40,000 (US). A car in excellent (or mint) shape can run about 70,000 (US).
Austin Healy cars are very expensive. They range in cost from $75,000 to $1,000,000 making them some of the most expensive cars on the market.
An Austin Healy 3000 replica would cost about $45,000. An original 3000 Austin Healey in show room condition would cost as much as $60,000. A fully restored 3000 is slightly lower at $30,000 to $40,000.
The average cost for a 2 bedroom 2 bath Austin condominium ranges from $150,000 to $400,000. The average cost of an Austin condominium depends on the location, number of floors and amenities.
The Austin-Healey 'Frogeye' was released in May 1958. Back then it could be purchased for ´£679. Nowadays a car which will not run and needs lots of work and repairs to run again would cost around ´£1500-´£2000. A working Frogeye is often sold for a maximum price of ´£7500.
Cars in the 1930's on average cost about $500. The average cost of a car today is $31,452 dollars.
Tummy tucks cost about 4500 dollars on the average in Austin, TX.
Around $8,000
The average construction costs for a new home in Austin Texas is 90 to 100 dollars per square foot of home.
5000-7000 5000-7000
The 78704 zip code belongs to Austin, Texas. The average cost to build a home in Austin, Texas is 74.16 per square foot.
what is average amount of liability insurance for cars in new york
It costs about $3,000 at the most. The average is about $2,700.