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In the past 10 years I have seen the rates range anywhere from 10-15%, depending upon the contract and volume of policies sold.

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Q: How much commission does auto insurance agent make?
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How much does the agent make off house insurance?

Typically 10% commission.

How much does an insurance agent earn?

Many insurance agents earn their money by commission. If they do not earn commission, many would make around $25,000 and more yearly.

How much commission you make an independent insurance agent?

An independent Insurance Agent can negotiate with an insurer for his or her commission rate. Most independent agents represent many insurers with various commission and premium rates in order to offer a wider range of policies and companies than a captured agent would to the insured. That's just part of being an Independent insurance Agent. You have more than one company to offer. Most companies that an Independent Agent places coverage with will initially offer a set commission rate. If the agent performs well they can then renegotiate

Can I add on my name to my husbands auto insurance after getting a drivers license?

Have your husband call the insurance agent to make this change.

How much money can a insurance agent make?

Insurance agents make their money on a percentage commission from the insurance company the larger the premium the more money the agentreceives, or if they are small policies the agent may receive an amount per policy sold. Basically the more insurance policies that are sold the more money the agent will make.

How much does insurance salesman make off each policy?

It depends on the type of insurance? Yes, it depends on the type of insurance. Life insurance generally pays a first year commission of 50% of the annual premium, to the writing agent, and a trail renewal of 5% each year for the next 9 years. Disability insurance generally pays a 40% commission the first year . Car insurance pays a 15% commission, etc. So, as you can see, the agent's compensation varies, depending upon the type of insurance written.

How much commission for an agent in max new york life insurance?

This will depend on how many customers you have. The more customers you have the more money you can make each month.

How much an hour does an insurance agent make?

Having worked for an insurance agent, it is important to note that most insurance agents are paid based on a commission scale that relates directly to the amount of insurance premium they collect, not based on an hourly wage. That of course may depend on which company the agent works for, and whether or not they are an independent agent. Because the salary is based directly on the amount of insurance premium collected by the agent, it can be very difficult to determine an average salary for an agent. Usually salaries range from 35000 to well over 100000 per year, again depending on the size of the agents book of business.

How can I get my insurance agent licence How much money do they make?

Digging into my knowledgee of insurance agents, their income is based on commission, meaning the harder they work, the more money they make. It is not necesarily a set income, nor consistent. To get your license you can take it online or through an actual insurance agency.

What auto insurance companies offer discounts?

Esurance, Allstate, Insurance Plus, GEICO, and many others offer discount auto insurance. They have to if they want to make money and get new, loyal customers. Check with your local insurance agent to see if your auto insurance agency offers any suitable discounts for you.

What are the advantages of purchasing auto insurance online?

The advantages are obvious to the consumer. They do not need to hassle with an agent who is trying to make their comission and the consumer can tailer make the policy as they see fit.

Does auto direct give car insurance quotes?

"Yes, you can get car insurance quotes from Auto Direct. Either visit their company web site, or make a call to one of their agents. You can find your local agent by going to the yellow pages in your phone book."