

Best Answer

$100. Just kidding. There is far too much information needed to calculate auto insurance rates than is possible to do so in a forum such as this. Some companies use as many as 88+ factors to in their calculation of rates.

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Q: How much car insurance for a year?
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How much does car insurance cost for an 18-year-old?

There is no set price for car insurance for an 18 year old. The amount will be determined by the car insurance company, and the person's driving record.

How much car insurance do 30 year old?

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How much money does the average person pay for car insurance?

about $800/year.

Approx How much would car insurance be for a 17 year old?

There are too many variables to be able to give you an estimate. It depends on the car, your record, and how much insurance. For an accurate price contact an insurance company.

As a senior citizen, how much does your car insurance generally increase?

As a senior citizen, your car insurance generally increase by $100 a year depending on your history.

How much does car insurance cost for a 21 year old male?

Contact an insurance agent. They will give you a quote.

How much should you expect to pay for scooter insurance?

Scooter insurance typically is extremely cheap compared to regular car insurance. Where you may pay around 1200 dollars for car insurance a year you will only have to pay 200 dollars for scooter insurance a year.

How much money does a 16 year old need to buy a car?

How ever much the car costs. Plus probably insurance.

How much is car insurance for a 1994 mustang?

Car model and year the car was acquired are just some of the factors affecting car insurance quotes. There are many other things that affects the price.

How much is Ensure car insurance?

the insurance fee you are going to get depends mostly on the car model the year it was released and sometimes it also has to do with the insurance provider. insurance providers evaluate if you have been involve in accidents or if your car qualifies to reduce your fees

How much is car insurance in Wisconsin?

Depends on what part of Wisconsin you are living in, your age, the make/model/year of the car.