The value of a Telefunken microphone from 1965 will vary greatly depending on the style of the microphone and the condition. Some of these items will cost as much as $2000 or more.
Telefunken was created in 1903.
The basr price of a 1965 Shelby GT350 in 1965 was $4,311
That is too broad a question. Too much depends on the age, style and condition. It is like saying how much is a Ford worth. But I can say that they are well worth doing some research into. Look for assistance from audiophiles. I guarantee they will recognize the name Telefunken right off.
That is too broad a question. Too much depends on the age, style and condition. It is like saying how much is a Ford worth. But I can say that they are well worth doing some research into. Look for assistance from audiophiles. I guarantee they will recognize the name Telefunken right off.
The pre-1965 quarter costs 500,000 dollars in the USA
25 cents
Well back in the 1900's a car in 1965 [new] it would cost 3000$.
They did not exist in 1965. First video recorder that used a cassette was 1969. They were several hundred dollars.
what was the cost of a barrel of oil in 1965
The Shelby AC Cobra 289 cost approximately $6000 USD in 1965. The 427 model was around $8000. The GT350 Shelby Mustang Cobra cost $4500.