One might be able to find a car lender by checking out the local newspaper's classifieds. One can also check around the town and look for cars that have signs on their windows.
The lender who holds the note on your car, is the one that repossessed your car.
First you will need to contact the cars lender to find out if there is a lien on the car. You must have the lender release the lien if there is one before you can legally transfer ownership.
Lawsuit. They will get their money one way or the other. If they can't find the car they may have you arrested for a stolen car.
One can find a mortgage refinance lender in Detroit by going to websites such as Zillow. On websites such as these one will find a list of mortgage refinance lenders.
If one of her children want the car they can simply take over the payments, and transfer the car into their name with the approval of the lender. If no one takes over the payments, then the lender will repossess the vehicle and sell it. With no estate or will, None of the children are liable for this loan, but they will try to get one or all to pay it. You might want to contact a lawyer for additional advice on this.
There are many places one might go to find spare parts of a Nissan car. In addition to the local junk yard, one might also try purchasing from the eBay website.
A lender will not let one person just "drop off" a loan. They like the fact that they have 2 people who are equally responsible for paying, in case something goes wrong. Usually the only way to do this is to refinance the vehicle. This can be done either with the same lender or another lender. Find out what car dealers don't want you to know at
One can find a 203k lender from the 'Renovation Ready' company. They are one of the largest 203k loan lenders in the United States and one can complete the online form to apply.
One might find a car buying calculator on any websites that are related to cars such as Edmunds, loandoctor, bankrate, etc. They provide estimates for cars that customers intend to buy.
The best place to look for a mortgage lender is through your personal real estate agent as they will always have a good recommendation for a lender. You can also locate one online using websites such as Realtor to find one with good personal reviews.
One might find a 1980 Camaro in Denver from online car sites that list such rare and unique cars. The local newspaper might have listings for such a car, or even existing car shops!
There are many places one might go to locate a Budget Car rental location. In addition to one's local phone book, one might also check the official Budget website.