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Q: How many times will the wheel of a car rotate in a journey of 88km if the diameter of the wheel is 56cm?
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How many times will the wheel of a car rotate in a journey of 88 km given that the diameter of of wheel is 56 cm?


The tire of a car wheel has an outer diameter of 30 cm How many times will the wheel rotate on a journey of 5 km?

no. of rotations = 500000/3.142*30 = 5304.47 = 5304

How many revolutions are made by a wheel 40cm in diameter in travelling 352m?

Diameter = 40 cm implies circumference = 40*pi = 125.7 cm So, in travelling 352 metres = 35200 cm, the wheel will rotate 35200/125.7 = 280.1 times (approx).

What is the angular velocity in radians per minute of ferris wheel 250 feet in diameter that takes 45 seconds to rotate once?

The angular velocity of a wheel taking 45 seconds to rotate once is 2 2/3 pi radians per minute. The diameter of the wheel does not matter in this case.

How many times a wheel of radius 28cm must rotate to go 352m?


How do you find the distance traveled on a bike if you know the wheels diameter?

wheel diameter times pi times number of rotations

What part does a wheel and tire rotate on?

They rotate on the wheel hub, which houses the wheel bearing.

If the diameter of a wheel is 2 feet about how many revolutions does the wheel make for every mile driven Use 227 for pi?

If the diameter is 2 feet, the circumference, 2(pi)r is equal to 6.28 feet. Each mile is 5,280 feet so the wheel must rotate 840.76 times to cover one mile. (ps - I'm not sure what you meant by the note to use 227 for pi.)

The diameter of the front wheel of a small bike is 20 inches In one full turn of the wheel the bike travels about?

Circumference is diameter times Pi, you do the math.

How does the mechanical advantage of a wheel and axle change as the size of a wheel increases?

The velocity factor of a wheel depends on its diameter. If we take the velocity factor as a measure of how far the vehicle moves in one revolution of the wheel, then it is equal to the circumference of the wheel, which is pi times the diameter.

How the mechanical advantage of a wheel and axle change as the size of the wheel increases?

The velocity factor of a wheel depends on its diameter. If we take the velocity factor as a measure of how far the vehicle moves in one revolution of the wheel, then it is equal to the circumference of the wheel, which is pi times the diameter.

How does the mechanical advantage of a wheel and axle change as the size of the wheel increases?

The velocity factor of a wheel depends on its diameter. If we take the velocity factor as a measure of how far the vehicle moves in one revolution of the wheel, then it is equal to the circumference of the wheel, which is pi times the diameter.