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Q: How many pounds per square inch air pressure in one bar of pressure?
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How many pounds of pressure can a crab pinch at?

About 14,000 pounds per square inch

How many pounds per square inch is the force of air pressure?

Atmosphere pressure can be measured in pounds per square inch, and this varies depending on how far a location is above or below sea level. At sea level, atmospheric pressure equals 14.7 pounds per square inch (or psi).

How many pounds of pressure are put on your teeth when you grind your teeth?

250 pounds per square inch.

How many pounds of pressure per square inch can a snapping turtle bite?

A snapping turtle can bite with a force of over 1,000 pounds per square inch. This powerful bite is used to catch and consume prey, making snapping turtles formidable predators in their environment.

How many pounds per square inch of pressure are in a NFL football?

13 psi

Crocodiles jaws can apply how many Ibs pressure per square inch?

2,125 pounds

At sea level square inch of surface area is under almost how many pounds of pressure?

At sea level, one square inch of surface area is under approximately 14.7 pounds of pressure due to the weight of the atmosphere above it.

At sea level a square inch of surface is under almost how many pounds of pressure?

At sea level, a square inch of surface is under approximately 14.7 pounds of pressure due to the weight of the atmosphere above it. This pressure is known as one atmosphere or 1 atm.

The air pressure that is usually pushing against every square inch of your body is how many pounds?

At sea level, the average air pressure is around 14.7 pounds per square inch (psi) exerted on your body from all directions.

How many pounds is the earth's atmosphere pressing against you per square inch?

The Earth's atmosphere exerts a pressure of about 14.7 pounds per square inch (psi) at sea level.

How many pounds per square inch does ice exert in a pipe?

Ice exerts a pressure of around 35,000 to 40,000 pounds per square inch in a pipe. This pressure is due to the expansion of water when it freezes, causing the ice to exert a significant force on the walls of the pipe.

If 8 pounds are in a square foot how many pounds are in a square inch?

About 1/2 pound.