It depends in New York if you are a regular car driver there is no points however you going only to pay a fine of ?????, but if you are a yellow cap driver and you get the ticket from TLC that's three point and fine, but if it was a regular ticket (yellow ticket) you only going to pay a fine.
i love you
Hands free cell phones remove the risks involved with driving and talking on the phone simultaneously.
2 it`s the newest law
Even though many people don't want talking on your cell phone while driving to be illegal, it should be because you cannot focus on driving as much as you would if you weren't talking. Serious accidents can happen even when you take your attention off of the road for a few seconds.
Many states have bills in progress to outlaw hands on cell phone talking and texting. That is because there is a linkage to increased accidents and deaths while driving using a cell phone. There is a study that concludes that cell phone use reduces your skills just as driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
If you have a cell phone and like to talk while you're on the go, then a cell phone headset is a very real necessity for your phone. Especially when you consider how many states have begun to crack down on cell phone use while driving, you really need a cell phone headset if you plan on legally talking on your phone while you're driving. A cell phone headset can be very cheap or astronomically expensive, depending on which model you need. If you plan on using the headset for work, consider using a bluetooth headset that won't have a wire dangling in your way.
If you have a cell phone then they can make calls from many more places.
There are many online phone books where you can search for a cell phone number. Some are free, many are not. The white pages have the option to perform a cell number search.
You can buy BlackBerry phone accessories from your cell phone company. In addition, many malls have stands that sale cheap cell phone accessories for all types of cell phones.
Uhhh..... NOBODY! U cnt die while talking on the phone
Cell phone holsters can be bought in many places selling cell phone accessories. Stores like Walmart, Amazon, or FutureShop will sell cell phone holsters.
The biggest reason is because it is a safety issue. When people are talking or especially texting on a cell phone while trying to drive a car, they are paying less attention to the road. Many accidents have happened because of cell phone use while driving, and many of those accidents have been fatal.