Ny taxi can pick up 4 passengers, the fifth must be less than 6 years. However some Minivans are allowed to pick up 5 passengers ------------- Usually, a taxi driver will only allow four ppl into the taxi (3 in back, 1 in front). Sometimes though, they can be coerced.
No NYC taxi's are based on how many miles is driven that's it! -bigbwoy2
Canary yellow.
No, in the state of New York parolees cannot get a taxi license.
You would need a taxi and livery class E license for that. They are for people 18 and over operating passenger cars and trucks and also for-hire vehicles that carry 14 passengers or less.
Samuel's Electric Carriage and Wagon Company
No such word. Check your spelling. However, there is taxi moxey, which is old slang for the innate ability to flag a taxi in inclement weather in NYC.
in nyc its a standard $40 fare from jfk to anywhere in Manhattan
maybe 50 people?
44 million
The best place to park while visiting NYC is at your hotel. If you can leave your car at the hotel, you can take a taxi or the subway to where you need to go.
Alot of people