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AA Insurance located out of New Zealand insures literally thousands of people. AA Insurance offers a variety of types of Insurance. They offer Car, Motorcycle, Vintage Car, Travel, Home and Contents of your Home Insurance.

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Q: How many people are currently insured with AA Insurance?
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Who can apply for HMO insurance?

Anyone who can afford the payments can apply for HMO insurance. Many people can apply for HMO insurance through their employer. People can even get HMO insurance themselves and be self-insured.

How much is car insurance for a Porsche?

It will depend on the year and model of the Porsche. It will also depend on where you live, your gender, your age, how many other cars you currently have insured, your driving history and which insurance carrier you wish to do business with.

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Consultant insurance is not required for people who work as business consultants. However, many clients will prefer people who are insured as they will probably be more reliable.

How many medical uninsured people are in the USA?

60% of the people insured are insured by their employer, 14% BY Medicaid, 13% By Medicaid/SCHIP, 9% Directly Purchased their Health Insurance, 4% Get Health Insurance Through The Military, and to answer your question 16% or 45.8 million Americans are uninsured.

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This depends on the type of insurance, and on what you are looking to get insured, there are many companies that you can consider to get your insurance from.

What is the principle of life insurance?

The principle reason people might get life insurance is so that survivors might be able to pay funeral costs. Many people that have children might also get life insurance so that the children will be provided for in the case of a sudden death of a parent.

How many people currently receive medicare health insurance coverage?

45 million as of July 2008.

Which group of US Citizens has the highest percentage of people without health insurance?

The unemployed are the least insured group in the US. In the United States, insurance is unfortunately tied closely to employment to the detriment of many.

Do you need insurance to drive someone else's car?

The car is insured not the driver however many policies have restrictions as to who may drive the insured vehicle.

What is the difference between insurance agents and brokers?

An insurance broker differs from an insurance agent in that a broker is considered an agent of the Insured even though he or she may receive a commission from the insurance company A broker may sell the products of a number of insurers whereas an insurance agent has the Insurer as his principal and works in the interest of the Insurer and not the Insured

What are the difference between the marine Insurance policy and insurance certificate?

A Marine Insurance Policy is the actual contract of insurance between the insurer and the insured. Most of these policies are what is being referred to a Open Marine policies which means that the policy covers many shipments under one policy. An insurance certificate is issued for a particular shipment that the insured declares under the Open policy. The insured does not issue a policy for each individual shipment.

Are the companies that offer the lasik procedure insured?

Many of the companies that offer that procedure to be done are insured. The only thing that you will want to make sure is if your insurance covers such an expense.