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Q: How many liters in the 351 Windsor engine?
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How many quarts of Oil would a 351 Windsor Engine need?

It is important to know the oil capacity of a car. For a 351 Windsor Engine 4.5 quarts to 5 quarts are needed to fill it.

Where is the engine number on 1969 ford 351 windsor?

On the Ford it is 3215469870. on the windsor it is 215698743

Does a 351 windsor bell housing bolt pattern match a 460?

no 351 windsor engine is small block. 460 is a big block

Can you fit a 1996 302 transmission on a 1995 351 engine?

Yes as long as it is a 351 windsor.

What is a 351 motor?

The 351 cubic inch V8 motor ( 5.8 Liters ) was manufactured in Windsor / Modified and Cleveland versions over the years

Who made the 350 Windsor engine?

The Windsor Ontario Canada Ford engine plant. Not all 351 windsors were made at this plant

How many liter does a 351 engine have?

A 351cid engine is 5.75L --------------- A cubic inch [displacement] (ci, cid) is equal to 16.387 cubic centimeters (cc, ml), or 0.016387 liters. Therefore, a 351 cid engine is equal to 351 x 16.387 = 5751.84 cc/ml or 5.75 liters.

How many quarts of oils does a 1983 351 ford Windsor hold?

It is important to maintain the fluid levels in a vehicles engine. The 1983 Ford Windsor holds about 4 quarts of engine oil.

Looking for a replacement Tune port injector for 1980 Lincoln 351 windsor engine will the TBI from 1982 Lincoln town car work with the 1980 model same engine 351 Windsor?

Yes I can go to Windsor later on in the year to visit you. Anyway,what is your address?

How do you find out if my 91 bronco engine is a windsor or Cleveland?

If I remember correctly the 351 Windsor has a vertically mounted thermostat that is mounted in the end of the intake manifold The 351 Cleveland thermostat is mounted horizontally in the engine block by the distributor

Is a windsor engine good?

If you are speaking of a Ford 351 winsor then yes it is a very strong and durable engine.

Can a 351 Windsor Starter be used on a 302 CI engine?

No. The 351 starter is larger than the one for the 302, and is more powerful.