It depends on the power consumption of the motor, the way it's drove and how far it's drove. It's like asking how many gallons will a gas car useper year?
AnswerYour question doesn't make any sense. It's like asking how many kilometres per hour does your car drive every year. Time doesn't come into it.
Approxomately 15200000 car per year
Owning an Electric Car has 200 pages.
An electric motor has no cylinders.
It depends on the size of the array. The ones that you buy for your car are often limited to a single watt or less.
Depends on which electric vehicle you are asking about.
It depends on the capacity of the battery pack the measurement is measured in kilowatts per hour just like how you would receive from the electric companies.Additional answerIf you think about it, the question is much like one that said 'how many gallons would a petrol car need at a refill?' How big is the tank and how empty is it when the refill starts?
-5 cars
A Smart car can have an internal combustion engine. An electric car is....electric
i think 100
electric car = elektrisches Auto