22 hours of drive time; plus breaks, bathroom, eating, re-fueling & overnight stays. If you hit Wash DC in rush hour, add an hour; same for NYC.
Departure point: Miami, FloridaDestination point: New York, New YorkEstimated flight duration: 2 hours, 29 minutes
2 and a half hours maybe 3
There are 1,277.4 miles between Miami, Florida and New York City, New York. The drive would be an estimated 18 hours 32 minutes in duration.
Flying from New York to Miami Beach FL (non stop) takes approx 2 1/2 to 3 hours. Driving would take about 18 to 20 hours.
New York (the city) is in New York (the state). New York (the state) is not in Miami (a city). Miami (the city) is in Florida (a state).
about 1300 miles
Assuming normal conditions, obeying traffic laws, and you mean New York City, about 20 and a half hours.
How many hours does it take to fly from Ontario Ca to New York
About 13 hours and 21 minutes.
2 hours and 30 minutes
2.5 -3
1350 miles source: http://usembassymalaysia.org.my/lrc/distance.html