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How many horse power is 342cc

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Q: How many horsepower is a 342cc Briggs and Stratton engine?
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What is the hp of a 342cc Briggs and stratton engine?

Based on everything I have read from Brigs and Stratton, and talking with some small engine repair guys I know, the 342cc engine puts out about 11-12hp, and the 420cc engine is about 15hp. Hope this helps.

What is the champion spark plug number for Briggs and stratton 342cc engine?

If you have a different brand spark plug, Champion will have a cross reference. You just need the number from the plug. If you do not have that, you will need the model number from the engine. Briggs and Stratton built a LOT of engines with customizations that may use several different spark plugs. 342 cc is simply not enough information.

What is the approximate horsepower of the 342cc motor on the Ariens snowblowers?

13.68 horsepower

Who manufactures Stanley snowblower engines?

just bought a craftsman snow blower yesterday. 3 manufacturers, MTD, Briggs and Stratton and Husqvarna. was told MTD 357cc was chinese can`t even find a torque # for it, Briggs and Stratton 305cc and 342cc made in USA, they had no Husqvarna so i don`t know about motors. was told Briggs and Stratton were not only making the motors but the whole machine, on the Pro series i bought which has the Briggs motor, if you look on the chassis it says built in the USA. This information i was told at a Sears store. hope its correct.

What would 342cc be in hp?

Displacement does not translate directly to a horsepower because of other factors, mainly engine design. One could predict a range that would be from 13 to 17 HP

What is 208cc in horsepower?

208 c.c. is 12.7 c.i. = approximately 13 H.P. It is not exact, as that is a sea level computation. The exact formula calls for a number of factors (not listed) that should also be taken into consideration, but not provided. improvement; There is no correlation between c.c./c.i to horsepower, For instance, a 250 cc motocross bike has about 35 hp vs. a 250 cc lawn mower engine has around 8 hp. The Briggs 205cc engine is normally rated at 5 hp. The 342cc Briggs is rated around 10 hp. There is a rough formula that some use as a general guide line; divide the c.c.'s by 40 and you will be in the ball park for a mower engine. So, 205/40=5.1 hp. In summary, your 205 c.c engine is about 5 horsepower. Kevin