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Generally speaking about 300 gallons per acre.

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Q: How many gallons of ethanol are produced from an acre of corn?
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How many Gallons of ethanol are produced per bushel of corn?

Roughly 2.8 gallons of ethanol can be produced from one bushel of corn using current technology.

How many gallons bio fuel could be produced of 1 acre of corn?

Only .2 of a gallon of gas

How many gallons of ethanol will 183 bushels of corn produce?

About 500 gallons.

How many gallons of water needed to grow one acre of corn?

Corn takes between one to two gallons per plant on a weekly basis. An acre of corn take 350,000 gallons of water over the 100 day growing cycle.

How much corn to make 1 gallon of corn oil?

Currently a bushel of corn produces about 2.8 gallons of ethanol. With better varieties that figure will increase to 3 gallons. In the near future, the corn distillate will be processed again, yielding some more ethanol.

What percentage of corn is used for ethanol in the US?

Approximately 38% of corn produced in the US is used for ethanol production.

How much of a bushel of corn is used to make ethanol?

Assuming the dry-milling method of ethanol production (the most common), one 56-pound bushel of corn makes 2.7 gallons of fuel ethanol and 17.4 pounds of dried distillers' grain. This means that 69% of the corn went into the ethanol.

Where do you get Ethanol?

Ethanol is commonly produced from plant material such as corn, sugarcane, or wheat through a process of fermentation and distillation. It can also be derived from petroleum or produced synthetically.

How is ethanol harnessed?

Ethanol is typically produced through the fermentation of sugars in crops such as corn or sugarcane. These crops are broken down into sugars, which are then fermented by yeast to produce ethanol. The ethanol is then separated from the mixture through a distillation process.

How is production of ethanol from corn affecting the price of corn for food?

Not at all. Ethanol is produced from field corn. Corn for human food is sweet corn. They are completely different, and neither has any effect on the other. Food costs are much more greatly affected by transportation costs than anything else.

How much water does an acre of corn transpire in one day?

On average, an acre of corn transpires about 4,000 to 5,000 gallons of water per day. Transpiration rates can vary depending on factors like temperature, humidity, and stage of crop development.

Is corn used for gasoline?

Yes, corn can be used to produce ethanol which can then be blended with gasoline to create a biofuel called ethanol fuel. This blend is commonly used in the United States and other countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on fossil fuels.