As many as 140 gallons of water can be used when washing a car at home. The actual amount may vary depending on the length of the car wash.
About 10 gallons per regular wash.
who cares? SHOOP DA WHOOP
4 gallons
a commercial car wash averages less than 45 gallons ...
An average dishwasher uses about 6-10 gallons of water during a typical wash cycle.
About 10 gallons per regular wash.
On average, a washing machine uses about 25-40 gallons of water per wash cycle.
It might take 50 gallons of water to wash a dog, or it might take 50 quarts to wash a dog. It depends on how much water you use, how big the dog is and how long their bath is.
The Dish Washer uses 40 litres of water per load a day!!!
You can wash a car with as little as 1 gallon when you wash by hand.
It depends on how long a person spends washing their car. When using a self-service car wash with high pressure hoses, the amount of water used is about 3.5 gallons per minute. Washing a car without high pressure hoses uses about 8 gallons per minute.
Kenmore dishwashers use about 54 Liters .