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It depends on the car's stopping power. An average distance for 40 mph would be around 85 feet

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Q: How many feet are required to stop a car going 40 mph?
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44 feet per second.

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If you are going 25 miles an hour how many feet will it take you to stop?

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It will take an average of 229 feet to stop after going 50 miles per hours after seeing danger to stop. This will vary according to condition of brakes and drivers reaction time.

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I would give the train plenty of room. You never know. I would say about four meters. In most states, it's required that you stop about 15-20 feet from the tracks.

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That depends on how heavy the car is and the surface it is driving on

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How far back are you required to stop from railroad tracks?

Well you are required to stop 3 feet minimum of the tracks but im sure if the tracks are operational there will be gates that come up and down they are usually about 10 feet away