there is 5280 feet in 1 mile there is 528 feet in 1 tenth of a mile therefore there is 1584 feet in 3 tenths of a mile
There are 5280 feet in a mile therefore there are 3960 feet in 3 quarters of a mile
3 tenths of a mile = .3 miles, .4828 kilometers, 482.8 meters, 48280 centimeters, 528 yards, 1584 feet
There are 1584 feet in 3 tenths of a mile.
(1/3) mile = 1760 feet.
1760 yards in a mile.3 feet in a yard.5280 feet in a mile.
3/4 mile equates to 3,960 feet.
3/10 of a mile is 1,584 feet.
1/3 mile = 1,760 feet.
There are 1760 yards in a mile. A yard has 3 feet and there are 5,280 feet in a mile.
(3/8)x5280=1980 There are 1980 feet in three eighths of a mile
3/7 of a mile equates to approximately 2,262.85 feet.
3/4 mile = 3,960 feet.