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It depends on how close at the car you measure the sound with a sound pressure level meter.

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Q: How many decibel does a car produce?
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What are the laws regarding maximum decibel volume of car speakers in Florida?

In Florida there is no Decibel limit for the noise produced by car stereos, however, if the music is loud enough to be heard from a distance of 25 feet a $70 ticket can be issued.

What is the Welsh for 'decibel'?

The Welsh word for 'decibel' is desibel.

How many decibel have in your human body?


How many decibels next to a motorway?

130 decibel

What are the uses of DECIBEL?

What are the uses of DECIBEL?

How do you use the word decibel in a sentence?

How do you use the word decibel in a sentence?What is decibel used for?

How is the decibel abbreviated?

The abbreviation for decibel is dB.

What is the subunit of Decibel?

The bell is a large unit, so a subunit, a decibel, is usually used. There is no subunit of decibel.

How many decibels can a person produce in a single punch?

A decibel is a measure of sound intensity. Punches are normally measured for speed or force, I've never heard of anyone measuring a punch for its sound intensity.

What is a decibel in terms of sound?

A decibel is a measure for sound.