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Q: How many days from the date of service is considered to be timely filing by most insurance carriers?
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What is the timely filing limit for kaiser permanente Insurance?

90 days from the date of service

What is the statute of limitations for filing a health insurance claim?

It depends on how the insurance policy is worded. Call the health insurance company and ask what timely filing limit is. Most insurance companies will go back 1 year from the service date. Sometimes it will be less.

What if you are driving someone else's car and you get in an accident that is your fault?

Their insurance would be primary and your insurance would be considered secondary when filing a claim.

What does excess and surplus lines refer to?

This is the license class that enables an insurance agent and/or agency to place large and/or hard-to-place insurance risks with non-admitted insurance carriers, also known as surplus lines or excess lines carriers. This class of insurance has very stringent filing and reporting requirements in many states including requiring zero reporting by the surplus lines broker.

Is there a list of insurances with timely filing limit details?

Filing Limit Claims must be submitted within 90 days from the date service is provided.^^^^^ That is INCORRECT! I'm a medical billing manager and you have to check with EACH insurance company as they all have different filing limits.Yes Friends,It differs from insurance to insurance.

How does filing an accident report affect your driving record and insurance if you are not filing an insurance claim?

It goes on your record and your insurance rates get adjusted.

How do you get commercial insurance quotes?

The best way to get commercial insurance quotes is to look in your yellow pages under Insurance and look for an agency that sells commercial or business insurance. Independent agencies have multiple carriers and will shop for the best deal for you with those carriers. They will try and save you as much money as possible so as to retain you as a client. According to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners: Your state insurance department is your best resource for insurance-related questions and concerns. Find information on insurance companies and agents, rate quotes and comparisons, insurance buying tips, claims filing information and much more! See the Related Links for the State Insurance Department websites.

Where can you find insurance and bonding for a cleaning service?

Your state insurance department is your best resource for insurance-related questions and concerns. Find information on insurance companies and agents, rate quotes and comparisons, insurance buying tips, claims filing information and much more! State Insurance Department websites:

Where can you find insurance and bonding for a cleaning service in Illinois?

Your state insurance department is your best resource for insurance-related questions and concerns. Find information on insurance companies and agents, rate quotes and comparisons, insurance buying tips, claims filing information and much more! State Insurance Department websites:

What type of insurance is needed for cleaning service in New Mexico?

Your state insurance department is your best resource for insurance-related questions and concerns. Find information on insurance companies and agents, rate quotes and comparisons, insurance buying tips, claims filing information and much more! State Insurance Department websites:

What is the filing limit for viva insurance?

180 days

Is business travel insurance a tax write off in the United States?

Business travel insurance could be a tax write off. You should follow the correct instructions for filing the information. The most accurate information can be obtained from the revenue service.